How to crush $2/$5 no limit hold'em in 8 weeks

 How to Break $2/$5 No Limit Hold'em in Eight Weeks

We'll show you how to find out exactly what your opponents have using a method I created called a "Hand Range Funnel", an easy-to follow system for poker handreading.

James was a great mentor and we did a lot together. From preflop fundamentals to mastering the nuances and preflop play to math, pot odds and counting combos in live time, to bet size for preflop and post-flop play.

Although we cannot cover all aspects of poker in this post, I will focus my attention on hand reading. It is the most important aspect of your game.

You should keep in mind that although the system I am going to show you takes only a few minutes to master, it can take a lifetime.

Be patient.

James relied on my Hand Range Funnel as his core strategy to achieve these results. It's easy to use. I have a real hand example from James that I can show you.

What is a Hand Range?

A hand range simply means all the hands that a player can hold at any one time.

Imagine your strong opponent raising under the gun to $15 during a $2/$5 cash-game. This would be an example of what we can expect his hand range to look like:

Strong pocket pairs include two eights or more.

Broadway and associated suited cards, such as Jack-Ten suited; Queen-Jack was suited; and King-Queen was suited.

Ace-Ten is suitable or better

Ace-King offsuit and Ace Queen offsuit

You might try a few bluffs such as Ace-Four and Ace Five suited, or a connector with a middle-suited like 98s.

Remember that different opinions can be formed when trying to identify an opponent's hand range. This is normal. But, don't get too caught up in that.

What is a Hand Range Funnel, you ask?

Now I want to introduce you the Hand Range Funnel. It is a system that I created from my own hand-reading process and which I now share with clients in order to help them master this art.

First of all, it's a Hand Range Funnel. A funnel is a great visual to show how ranges change throughout a hand. The hand range of a hand will be wide at the beginning (such that when an opponent opens preflop), and gradually narrow throughout the hand, much like a funnel. Thus, the Hand Range Funnel. Taking Advantage of Opponents Who Are Hold'em Dead Or Top Pair'd


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