Poker Book Review

 Poker Book Review

Editor's note - I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike Sexton, Poker Hall of Famer. I was in Las Vegas to attend the World Series of Poker. Mike's new book, Life's a Gamble, was one of many topics we covered. Mike graciously gifted me a copy. Bruce Briggs, my friend and co-host of Top Pair Home Game Poker podcast, was also interested in the book. Mike was gracious enough to sign it. Bruce is a longtime friend of Mike's, so when I asked Bruce whether he'd be willing to review the book for my poker blog, he said yes. The following is Bruce's review on "Life's a Gamble". Enjoy!

Bruce Briggs Reviews Books

Mike Sexton has always been a top poker personality I respect. I agree with those that say that the poker revolution, commonly referred to as "Moneymaker Effect", could equally as easily and justifiably be called "Sexton Effect". Mike was an influence on my life and gave me a boost in my poker enthusiasm when I first began playing in 2002. Mike's analysis of hand afterhand of final table NLHE played gave me a strong foundation in poker basics. His enthusiasm was contagious.

I was excited to read the biography Mike was writing about his poker history. His book, "Life's a Gamble", gives a detailed account of the history of poker over the past 35-40 year from the point of view of someone who has been in the forefront of it all.

It is much more than a compilation of poker stories and personalities. It explores Mike's exploits at the golf course with high-rolling gamblers, sports event wagers, as well as the entrepreneurial ventures Mike helped to foster for the poker community.

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The book opens with a look at Mike's pre-Vegas years. Growing up in Ohio with a father who was a great gambler and who introduced him early to different venues and contests. Mike went to college on a Gymnastics scholarship. After completing his military service, he settled in North Carolina and helped manage a successful home-based game. Mike was also able to make a living teaching ballroom dancing, which is a profession that his dad excelled in. His stylish moves can be seen on clips broadcast during WPT broadcasts.

From the dance floor, to the poker table, we discover all about the creation of the first major poker tournament. The format required that players earn their spots as participants. This is similar to the way pros use PGA performance to qualify for different events. Mike's participation in the "Tournament Of Champions Of Poker" 1999 was the first of its type. This demonstrated his deep knowledge of poker and the needs this structure would fulfill.

Mike was also an integral part of the creation of partypoker online poker site. He advised the team on poker (he wasn’t involved with their online casino operations) as well as making sure the site adhered to the rules of the game and kept it friendly and welcoming. This chapter of his life was fascinating to me, as it offered a candid and rare behind-the-scenes look at an industry that is truly unique.

Naturally, everyone recognizes Mike for his 14-season tenure (and counting!) He is also the co-host of the World Poker Tour's on-screen show, alongside Vince Van Patten. He has traveled extensively throughout the USA and other parts of the world to bring high-quality commentary about poker action from experienced pros as well newcomers right into your living space.

Mike was my interview subject on Top Pair Home Game Poker Podcast. He asked me how much money he had with him to get started in poker after he made the decision to move to Vegas permanently from the Eastern United States. He answered quickly, saying that he believed that having enough money to pay for his next buy in was enough. His "Life's a Gamble” mantra is clearly illustrated.

Overall rating A+

This biography, which is 267 pages long, is a must-read book for anyone who loves poker and its history. Mike could have written a three-times as long book and still have many stories to tell. I would like to read more details about his North Carolina home game and the unique situations he encountered while on the various seasons of the World Poker Tour. It is also missing the mention of the numerous charitable events, organizations, causes, and charities that Mike has spent tens of thousand of dollars on over the years. The problem with autobiography is that Mike would be a little self-conscious about how he sounded. I feel that I have an obligation to acknowledge and mention this in my review. poker book review getting the right kind of poker chips


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